Sister of Flame

A place where HeartShadow will discuss the how FlameKeeping affects her personally. The essays will be discussed and other topics raised that relate to religion and her personal life.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

It's not fair!

I'm always surprised at how much adults cry about fairness. After all, it's not like fair worked when we were five. So why would it work when we're forty-five?

Sure, it would be nice if life were fair. There are all kinds of things that would be nice that don't seem to exist, though.

Fair implies that people deserve what they get, and I think it's definitely dangerous belief that people deserve everything they get. That goes back to blaming the victim for what happens to them. Sometimes people get what they deserve. Often they don't. Lottery winnings don't go to the most moral or most virtuous player. They go to whoever gets lucky enough to win. The most evil criminals aren't the ones who get caught. Just the unlucky and the ones who don't plan.

We can create a more just world, if we work together. We can try to both be just in our lives and work to increase justice. That means we need to be aware of what the laws are and whether or not we need to work to change them. We need to be just in the small things in our lives. Just because we can take advantage of someone doesn't mean we should. Just because something is legal doesn't mean it's right. And just because it's ILlegal doesn't mean we shouldn't do it anyway. Civil disobedience shaped our country. Sometimes laws must be fought against. Sometimes they need to be fought for. What's important is that we think about it and do what is just, and create the world we want to live in.

How do I create justice? I really don't know. I try to follow the rules, but that's not always justice. And I try to be fair, but I don't know if that's justice either. I do try to speak out when I think something is wrong, but I do it very carefully and I don't poke very far out of my hole. So I should do more. I don't think I create injustice in my life, but I'm not sure I do much to push towards justice either.

What does a just society mean to me? Victims are not blamed for what happens. People treat people as they've earned to be treated. Transgressions are punished, but more, they're worked against from the beginning. In a just society, there is less crime not because punishments are harsh but because there is less reason. In a just society, people have and recognize other options than crime to get ahead. I feel we live in a semi-just society. There are good points, but there are also bad ones. There's a long way to go.

What matters more, justice or mercy? Mercy without justice is hollow, justice without mercy is harsh. They go together. But I think justice is more necessary, even if it is harsh.

Could we ever live in a truly fair world? No, because there are always going to be differences of ability, desire, want, and starting point. That said, I think it's a worthy goal. Some of the most important goals we can have are impossible to achieve. But that's okay, because it's in striving and trying we change the world for the better.


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