Sister of Flame

A place where HeartShadow will discuss the how FlameKeeping affects her personally. The essays will be discussed and other topics raised that relate to religion and her personal life.

Friday, August 04, 2006

it's a party!

The important part of this is the mindfulness. It's so very easy to view food as nothing but fuel, meals as just something to get through to get on to the next thing. This is a time to actually think about it.

What difference does it all make, I bet you're asking. Who cares where the food comes from? Well, it matters. Food isn't interchangeable. Some choices are more environmental than others, some are more humane than others .. there are a lot of choices to make. Being mindful is an important part of FlameKeeping, and refusing to think about these things because it's all too big is an abrogation of responsibility. We vote with our dollars every time we buy food. It's important to make certain that's a vote we're happy with.

And it's important, too, to take time with family and friends and simply enjoy them. We are a species that craves contact with each other, and yet we're very good at making that contact less than what we need. This is a time to enjoy each other, enjoy yourself, and put aside worries for a short time.

After all, the Universe is improved when people in it are happier, and that includes you.


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